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3 Update Tiers -- (Note - higher update tiers can contain similar additions or changes to a tier lower than it)

Red Hightlight = Massive Update (e.g several new pages added and/or major changes made)
Orange Highlight = Moderate Update (e.g changes made to a (or several page's) design and/or a new page added)
Yellow Highlight = Mini Update (e.g bug fixes, spelling/grammar corrections and/or any other minor additions or adjustments)

-- NOTE - Additions to the site like new reviews or blog posts will not be listed here.
Updates for them can be foundhere--

22/02/22 - 23/02/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.0 - Site Launch

- 'Bootup' page added.
- '404 error' page added.
- 'Homepage' added.
- 'Comics' page added.
- 'Blog' page added.
- 'Reviews Selection' page added.
- 'About Me' page added.
- 'The Guestbook' page added.

24/02/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.0.1

- Some sitewide spelling and grammer corrections.
- The '404 error' page has been revamped.

04/03/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.0.2

- New logo added to the 'Homepage'.
- Fixed an issue with the icons text on the 'Blog' page.
- Fixed an issue with the '404 error' page's CSS.
- Tweaked the 'Bootup' page.

07/03/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.0.3

- 'Site Update Notes' page added.
- 'Film Reviews' page added (accessible via the 'Reviews Selection' page).

13/04/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.0.4

- Link to guestbook added to 'The Guestbook' page.

29/04/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.0.5

- 'Video Game Reviews' page added (accessible via the 'Reviews Selection' page).

15/06/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.1 - The Collections Update

- 'Collections Selection' page added.
- 'Physical Media Collection' page added.
- 'Tech Collection' page added.
- 'Miscellaneous Items Collection' page added.

23/06/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.1.1

- Fixed an issue were the images in the 'Collections' section would not display.

17/07/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.1.2

- The 'Login' page (previously referred to as the 'Bootup' page) has been revamped.

14/08/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.2 - The Art Update

- The 'Art' page (previously referred to as the 'Comics' page) has been updated and renamed.
- 'Paintings (Space)' page added.
- 'Paintings (Coast)' page added.
- 'Paintings (Sky)' page added.

25/11/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.2.1

- Tweaked the 'Site Update Notes' page: specified more clearly what each update tier contains and adjusted the update numbers.
- Renamed blog entries to diary entries.
- Changed the tooltip text for each of the page links at the top of each page.

07/12/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.2.2

- The 'About me' page has had a major revamp.
- Tweaked the 'Login' page in order to make continuing to the site clearer. Also added a line of text that details when the last update to the site was.
- The lists portion of the 'Collections Selection' page has been tweaked.

12/12/22 ~~~ Ver. 1.2.3

- A Yesterweb Ring widget has been added to the 'Login' page. -- (Removed several weeks later as it was discontinued by the creator)

17/08/23 ~~~ Ver. 1.2.4

- All links to Zawn96's Twitter account have been removed from the site.
- A few new additions to the 'About Me' page.
- Spelling and/or grammer corrections on a few pages.
- Adjusted the update numbers (again). Added an update name for update 1.2 (all future massive updates will now have a name).
- Updated the footer on all pages with one.

06/02/24 ~~~ Ver. 1.2.5

- The 'Art' page has been updated as it's infomation about current projects was outdated.

22/02/25 ~~~ Ver. 1.2.6

- 'Poems' page added.
- 'Art' page has been tweaked and updated.
[Copyright © 2022 - 2025 | Zawn96 is hosted byneocities]-- [A list of site updates and fixes can be foundhere]