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About me - shit you didn't need to know but now you do (sorry)

Hey, Hi, Hello and welcome to Zawn96!

This is my own little plot of 1's and 0's, hidden among the waves of this vast occean we call the internet.
On this site you'll find an array of bits and bobs such as paintings, reviews, recipes and more! Just click around 'til you find something interesting!

I also have several writing projects that I work on in my free time. Check out the blog section for news and updates on those!

Anyway, enjoy the site!


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Likes and Dislikes

Some of my all time favourite...

> > Musicians, Bands & Composers < <
Electric Light Orchestra--Lawrence--The Police--Muse--Couch--Thin Lizzy--Junko Yagami--The Hives--Juice--Nujabes--Sammy Rae & The Friends--Casiopea--The Runaways--Danny and Alex--Joe Hisaishi--Genesis--David Bowie--Anri--S.Kiyotaka & Omega Tribe--John Carpenter--NewDad--Yard Act

> > Songs < <
Fantasy--Twilight--The Logical Song--Feather--Do You Wanna Do Nothing with Me?--The Less I Know The Better--Plastic Love--Walk Idiot Walk

> > Films < <
Fallen Angels--Dreams--The Social Network--Night Is Short, Walk on Girl--Evil Dead II--Blade Runner--Scott Pilgrim vs. the World--Hard Boiled--2001: A Space Odyssey--Running Out of Time--Airplane!--Nightcrawler--Princess Mononoke--Hackers--Five Fingers of Death

> > Shows < <
Berserk--The X-Files--Cowboy Bebop--Paranoia Agent--JoJo's Bizarre Adventure--Gurren Lagann

> > Manga, Comics & Novels < <
Monster--All You Need Is Kill--Uzumaki--Batman: The Long Halloween--Akira--Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin

> > Video Games < <
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild--Gauntlet Dark Legacy--Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen--Alan Wake--Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon--Sleeping Dogs

and the rest...

Misc. Likes

- Italian food
- Memes
- 70s sci-fi art
- The countryside
- Highball cocktails
- Autumn

Misc. Dislikes

- NFTs
- Coffee (the smell reminds me of my old job)

Guilty Pleasures

- Playing Runescape (Old School - I'm not that crazy!)

Why?? -- The Origins of Zawn96

Back in 2020 I suddenly found myself with a lot more free time than usual (yay thanks covid). I soon decided to start working on something I'd been thinking about for a while. A website.
I was already a bit fimiliar with the basics of HTML/CSS (and by basic I mean basic) as I'd studied it during my time at sixth form. I didnt initally feel that confident about my knowledge or ability, so I decided to instead use one of the many website building sites that are available. I tried a bunch of them but ultimatly didn't like any of them, mainly due to the fact that they felt pretty restricting and only really allowed you to make very (in my opionion) bland and corporate looking sites.
"So what now?"
Well I decided I should at least try writing a site from scratch. I downloaded Notepad++ and began aimlessly experimenting with HTML and CSS.

I must have gotten nowhere because I ended up shelving the project. I didn't resume working on it until December 2021. I resumed working on it because I wanted to make a site that I could use to exhibit the comic I was working on. Ironically the site has ended up being used for anything but the intial reason for it's creation (but maybe one day it will...)

Follow me on Neocities!:Zawn96| Send me an e-mail!: zawn96webmaster@gmail.com


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Q&A - Questions and Answers

- Q1: Zawn?
- A1: It's a Cornish word used to describe a fissure or cave located inside a cliff. They're created by coastal erosion.

- Q2: Okay but what's that got to do with anything?
- A2: I was trying to come up with a name for the site that would be memorable. This led me to the idea of using a Cornish word which I thought would also give the site a personal touch as parts of my family have Cornish roots. Zawn and it's meaning seemed like a good choice as zawns are quite often hidden away - a bit like websites.

- Q3: And the 96?
- A3: Since the look and structure of the website would be based on Windows 95 and 98, I thought adding 96 to the end would make it sound more like an OS. Maybe there's another reason too...

Questions? Drop me an e-mail and I'll answer it above!
e-mail: zawn96webmaster@gmail.com
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