~ Coming Soooooon - > - > - > The Travel Update! < - < - < - ~

new diary entry downloaded _ 26/06/24

#029: June 2024

New diary entry is up! You can read ithere

new diary entry downloaded _ 29/05/24

#028: May 2024

New diary entry is up! You can read ithere

new diary entry downloaded _ 24/04/24

#027: April 2024

New diary entry is up! You can read ithere

new diary entry downloaded _ 27/03/24

#026: March 2024

New diary entry is up! You can read ithere

new diary entry downloaded _ 28/02/24

#025: February 2024

New diary entry is up! You can read ithere

new diary entry downloaded _ 31/01/24

#024: January 2024

New diary entry is up! You can read ithere

all updates loaded _ 2023

Click here to see all the updates from 2023 14/01/23 [new bonsai watch entry downloaded] -- Bonsai Watch #2 - 'New bonsai watch is up! You can read ithere'
25/01/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #012: January 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
14/01/23 [new bonsai watch entry downloaded] -- Bonsai Watch #3 - 'New bonsai watch is up! You can read ithere'
22/02/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #013: February 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
11/03/23 [new bonsai watch entry downloaded] -- Bonsai Watch #4 - 'New bonsai watch is up! You can read ithere'
29/03/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #014: March 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
26/04/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #015: April 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
31/05/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #016: May 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
04/06/22 [new how-to entry downloaded] -- How to make a website - the basics - 'New blog category! You can read the how-to guidehere'
28/06/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #017: June 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
26/07/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #018: July 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
30/08/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #019: August 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
27/09/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #020: September 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
25/10/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #021: October 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
29/11/23 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #022: November 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
27/12/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #023: December 2023 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'

all updates loaded _ 2022

Click here to see all the updates from 2022 22/02/22 [ver. 1.0 installed] -- Website Launched Today! - 'Hopefuly their arn't meny misteakes...'
23/02/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #001: January + February 2022 - 'My first diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
07/03/22 [new film review downloaded] -- Hard Boiled - 'My first film review is up! You can read ithere'
30/03/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #002: March 2022 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
27/04/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #003: April 2022 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
29/04/22 [new video game review downloaded] -- Sable - 'My first video game review is up! You can read ithere'
25/05/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #004: May 2022 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
29/06/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #005: June 2022 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
27/07/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #006: July 2022 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
31/08/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #007: August 2022 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
28/09/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #008: September 2022 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
26/10/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #009: October 2022 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
31/10/22 [new film review downloaded] -- Evil Dead II - 'Happy Halloween! My review for Evil Dead II is up! You can read ithere'
29/11/22 [new cookbook entry downloaded] -- Easy Cheesy Meatball Subs - 'New blog category! You can read the recipehere'
30/11/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #010: November 2022 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'
10/12/22 [new bonsai watch entry downloaded] -- Bonsai Watch #1 - 'New blog category! You can read ithere'
28/12/22 [new diary entry downloaded] -- #011: December 2022 - 'New diary entry is up! You can read ithere'

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