
...And here's the rest!

Some might call this junk. Me, I call them treasures.

~ Bottle Caps

~ Mini Whiskey Bottles

~ GamesMaster Issue #235

I also have a binder of 'Doctor Who - Battles in Time' cards (feel old yet?) but they're in the loft and I can't be bothered to get them down to take photos :D

Bottle Caps

How many? No idea. Send me your guesses and I'll find out!

Who knows, maybe we'll use bottle caps as a form of currency in the future...for some reason...

Mini 5cl Whiskey Bottles

There's whiskey in the jar small bottle

I've recieved these as Christmas gifts over the last couple of years. As you can see, I still have yet to drink one of them.

GamesMaster Magazine

Issue #235

Why do I have a random issue of this now discontinued magazine? No reason...

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