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My first foray into writing poems.

one_more_byte is the story of 'the user' and their discovery of a strange new world. A world that brings them joy and satiation, but also leaves them with the unshakeable feeling that something is missing...


[ down_the_rabbit_hole ]

i've fallen
down a
rabbit hole,

whilst on
a pleasant

to see
the light
be turned
to night,

was quite
the sudden

where am
i now,

who where
what how?

is this
all but
a dream?

a stranger's

a tad

to make
me shout
and scream...


i stumble and crawl and realise i've hit the floor,
as the room begins to spin and my mind begins to swim.

danger and fear, but my mind's eye says it's clear,
so i stare and watch the lights as they begin to fill the air.

hopped up on these sweet highs, they're like sugar for the eyes.
i never want to leave this place...

this space...

this cold embrace...

it's all i'll ever need.

[ the_drip_feed ]


Are you aware of the news?
Reading words that confuse
Eating up all those shiny new views

'Your friends are all cruel, but mine are all cool'
Only fools will believe, words that strangers will weave
Under a 'stop error' coloured sky, they're no different to you and i

Seen the newest thing
That they're worshiping?
I've never tried anything
Like what they're selling
Let's take a big swing, I hope it won't sting

Hundred quid lines, twenty pence fines
Upward trends mean you're alright my friends
Next month will be, the death of me!
Get back to work, you silly jerk,
Regularly post or you'll be a ghost!
Your life and fate, you're gonna carry that weight

Fifteen minutes of fame, grab a ticket to claim
Once you've finally climbed in, maybe your life will truly begin
Ready or not, here comes your shot

My plate's still not full, but no need for a roomful
Only need a few bytes, please, you can have all my rights
Ready now with my history, you can take it all for free
Eat it up till nothing's left, I promise you it isn't theft

hungry for more?
click to see more

hungry for more?
click to see more

[ viral ]

eyes for far will now sit here and stare
held breaths keen to see what you'll next share
so don't ruin it all
a steep rise and then fall
and those eyes will suddenly not care

[ the_bug ]

everything will end
from the largest to the small
but not all is lost

[ i_still_miss_you ]

i still miss u
and i often wonder
do u ever miss me too?

did i say something undue?
i'm so sorry if i did
i still miss u

did u dig a deep tunnel to start life anew?
far away with nothing else but ur thoughts
do u ever miss me too?

or were u just flying through?
with ur head high in the clouds
i still miss u

time has passed and still i have no clue
yet these questions linger inside my prying mind
do u ever miss me too?

but i hope that you're happy, in that world u travelled to
and i hope one day i'll see u, if u come and visit mine
i still miss u
do u ever miss me too?

[ alt_f4 ]

the bright lights flicker
it watches you and listens
as you make your choice
something has changed inside you
will you stay or will you go?

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